Saturday, June 28, 2008

Updating Ohridea blog....

Guys, I know that I promised that I will update the blog every day during Ohridea, but the party is sooooooooo good, that we don't have time to download pics..... And there are 3 more days to go....

Thursday, June 26, 2008

Welcome to Ohridea 6!

One of the most important factors in the process of creation is teamwork. When you have the right team, you cane create something almost out of nothing.

Here is what New Moment team, or rather our alter-ego “The Moments”, created to welcome you at Ohridea 6.



Creation: The human act of creating; an artifact that has brought into existence by someone; the event that occurred at the beginning of something; God’s act of bringing the universe into existence. Creative: having the ability or power to create. From Latin “creat”: to make, to produce, to bring forth.

Recreation: diversion - an activity that diverts or amuses or stimulates; refreshment – activity that refreshes and recreates; activity that renews your health and spirits by enjoyment and relaxation.

Procreation: reproduction – the sexual activity of conceiving and bearing offspring.

Most interesting activities revolve around the concept of creation – like recreation and procreation. Everything we do in life falls under one of these three concepts. We create in order to make it possible for ourselves either to recreate or procreate. The goal of everything we do in life is either to have fun or to get laid.

Also, recreation (a date) leads to procreation (sex), which leads to creation (a baby). So everything is connected. So each year, we gather here to show what we have created during the previous year, in between work meetings we recreate with different activities, and the nights… we’ll leave that to your imagination. Those who have been here before know, and those who are here for the first time are about to find out.

Enjoy another Ohridea, and continue to create, recreate, procreate.

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Ohrid weather…

As usual, most of the weather forecast web sites give different predictions for the next 10 days… However, it will be mostly sunny, with clear sky nights, with temperatures between 16ºC and 31ºC, and with light and refreshing Ohrid wind.

Saturday to Monday in the afternoons and evenings we will probably have cloudy weather with possible showers and thunderstorms, with 27ºC during day and lowest temperature of 13ºC during Sunday night.

For those who will be coming for the first time in Ohrid – take a sweater, or a light jacket; Ohrid may be chilly at nights and unpredictable in the summer afternoons, especially in June.

I don’t believe that you would need an umbrella, so it is up to you :)

Thursday, June 19, 2008

This is Ohrid...


Hi New Moment folks,

Just to remind you that the deadline for entries is tomorrow, Friday, 20th June!

The news this year is that we won’t have awards for each category separately. Instead, we’ll have a total of 3 awards, disregarding their categories. Therefore, we expect a truly “strict” selection of your entries. Please make the entries selection on the same principal as for all other advertising festivals where you pay entry fees.

The entries form categories: Print, Poster/BB, should be in jpg format, preferably in web resolution. TVCs should be in wmv or mpg, Radio ads in mp3. PR/Events, Campaign and New Media – as usual, you can prepare ppt or video, but please bear in mind that you should prepare these entries short and no longer than 5 minutes.

Send the entries (or ftp address where your entries are uploaded) to Elena Presilska:

Please stick to these recommendations, and send no late entries.

See you soon in Ohrid!

Thursday, June 12, 2008


Day 1: Thursday, June 26
19:00 Welcome note
19:45 New Moment Dinner
20:45 New Moment Team Spirit: EURO 2008
22:00 New Moment Garden party

Day 2: Friday, June 27
08:30 Breakfast
09:30 New Moment Agencies’ Presentations 1/2
10:50 Coffee Break
11:00 New Moment Agencies’ Presentations 2/2
13:00 New Moment Garden lunch
15:00 Y&R discussion
16:00 Danone online workshop
17:00 New Moment online
18:00 Ohrid - Promenade
20:00 Ohrid - Dinner
22:00 Ohrid – New Moment Party

Day 3: Saturday, June 28
09:00 Breakfast
10:00 New Moment Entries Presentations + Discussion
13:00 New Moment Lunch
15:00 Wunderman: How to think digital?
17:30 Trip to Vevcani
20:00 Vevcani – Dinner + Party

Day 4: Sunday, June 29
09:00 New Moment Garden breakfast
10:00 Elena Kostova/Andrej Andreev: Y&R briefs
12:00 Filip Dimitrov: Y&R tools
13:00 New Moment Garden lunch
15:00 Sudler&Henessy presentation
16:00 MD meeting/Account&CD meeting/PR Directors meeting/Optional sightseeing
19:00 Art Directors Club of Europe
20:00 OHRIDEA 6: Summary
20:45 New Moment Team Spirit: EURO 2008
23:00 New Moment Beach Party: Show your talent

Day 5: Monday, June 30
09:00 Breakfast
11:00 Check out

Sunday, June 8, 2008

Welcome to OHRIDEA 6

Dear New Moment people, welcome to OHRIDEA 6!

This year’s OHRIDEA will be held between June 26-30, 2008, in Hotel Slavija.

New Moment OHRIDEA Festival

What is OHRIDEA?

For the guests from the New Moment branches it is the most unique and memorable experience they are anxiously waiting to come during the whole year! New Moment people from Belgrade, Sofia, Banja Luka, Sarajevo, Ljubljana, Zagreb, Athens/Nicosia, Tirana, Pristina….. they all arrive in Macedonia in same day, very excited, stopping first in Skopje to eat kebaps in Saso’s office, then continue all together to Ohrid to have fun for several days. And nights. They end up a bit disappointed at the last day, cause New Moment Skopje has again won the majority of the OHRIDEA awards.

For us, the hosts, it means a lot of work and long sleepless nights, as for the most demanding client ever! We do all it takes just to make our guests experiencing unforgettable moments of OHRIDEA. And we do it gladly. However, it is fair to say that even we end up with our own unforgettable experience, but huge black eye-circles as well…

Although the above is absolutely true…..

…the closest definition for non-New Moment people would be – an annual gathering of all New Moment branches in Ohrid, for creative thinking, education, award winning, and having lots of, lots of fun. Cause we all deserve it. Work hard, play hard.

Why Ohrid?

Ohrid is beautiful and very inspirational place. Inspiration is crucial for creativity.

Ohrid is everything that local creativity means. Nurturing local creativity is the foundation of OHRIDEA concept.

Ohrid is everything that diversity means. Diversity brings creativity.

Ohrid is a city of UNESCO and the pearl of Macedonia.

And because Macedonians are the best hosts ever :)

Ready for OHRIDEA 6?